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In-Office Teeth Whitening – Advantages and Important Considerations


Do you feel like giving your teeth some extra love? Have you considered teeth whitening before? Downtown Whitby Dentistry has in-office whitening that can provide your teeth with the sparkle they deserve. Your Whitby dentist wants to give you a bright and healthy smile.

In-office whitening is the most common cosmetic dental procedure in the world today. The difference between in-office whitening and at-home whitening kits is that at-home kits incorporate low-dose bleaching agent, while in-office whitening occurs under monitored conditions which allow for the safe, controlled, pain-free use of a relatively high concentration of bleaching gel and these results happen immediately.


In-office whitening produces fastest results than at-home whitening kit In-office whitening is the safest form of teeth bleaching. Gum and tooth sensitivity (formerly drawbacks to in-office bleaching) are more controllable today due to thicker peroxide gels (that don’t soak into the teeth as much as previous gels) and the use of desensitizers such as potassium nitrate and fluoride.


  • More expensive than take-home alternatives.
  • Results can be unpredictable, depending on factors such as age, heredity and the type of staining that is present.
  • In-office bleaching is not a permanent solution. After you complete the in-office whitening by a dentist in Whitby, your teeth will resume stain accumulation. However, to prevent this from happening, dentists recommend at home maintenance with a lower percentage of bleach.

Reasons to Consider In-Office or At-Home Whitening

Your teeth will create organic and in-organic stains for multiple reasons. Organic stains that can be treated with in-office whitening happen due to aging (caused by eating habits or heredity), consumption of certain foods (eg. coffee, red wine, sodas and dark-colored vegetables and fruits) and tobacco use. In-organic stains do not take well to in-office whitening and will often look darker afterwards as the surrounding teeth become whiter.

If you feel like your teeth have stains due to any of the organic reasons it would be beneficial to contact your dentist in Whitby and schedule a cleaning and dental check-up. At your dental cleaning, your dentist will consider your teeth stains and make the decision as to the cause of these stains and if in-office whitening is the best option for you.

Let’s Rejuvenate your Smile at Downtown Whitby Dentistry

Here at Downtown Whitby Dentistry we want you to leave feeling more confident and radiant because of your smile, we don’t want you to have to hide it. Don’t be afraid to come and visit us for a consultation, cleaning and give us a call with any questions you have about your teeth. A regular dental cleaning and checkup with your dentist in Whitby is never a bad idea!

We Are Here to Help You

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Whitby, ON, L1N 4M9
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