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Don’t Wait to Replace a Missing Tooth


While a missing tooth may seem like no big deal (you have others in there, right?), let’s discuss the possible ramifications of not getting it fixed as soon as you can. While we understand that there may be circumstances that have caused you to delay, such as financial or fear, there are some things that you may not know.

We want you to have all the facts when it comes to missing teeth!

Did you know that when you lose a tooth, you are at greater risk for tooth erosion, decay and overall change to function of your mouth? Really… we’re not just trying to scare you into getting it fixed. Your teeth are like a well-oiled team; they support and rely on each other for optimal performance and health. When one goes missing, the team cannot function at its best.

So, replacing a missing tooth really is about more than aesthetics, it’s about your overall health – dental and otherwise.

5 Reasons to Replace a Missing Tooth

Prevent bone loss

When you lose a tooth, your body will start to absorb the minerals in your jaw to use elsewhere. This is what we call resorption, and it usually starts about six months after you lose the tooth. As a result, the area around the missing tooth will start to deteriorate, often causing a change in the patient’s facial structure. Someone who is missing a tooth might see a sag in the jaw area or the development of an over/under bite.

Restore optimal mouth function

Your every day habits may be compromised. Eating some of your favourite foods might be more difficult and painful with that gap.

Keep your bite intact

You will see other teeth start to shift to fill in that gap, which leads to misalignment, strain of your jaw and difficulty chewing as mentioned above. Like we said earlier, the teeth rely on each other for support and when one is missing, the whole system collapses.

Avoid further complications

In addition to loss of overall mouth function and decay, missing teeth can lead to TMJ joint problems, which is the result of a misaligned jawbone and uneven pressure when chewing.

OK, sometimes it is about the aesthetics

While we love all smiles – the crooked smiles, gap smiles, toothless baby smiles – there is no doubt that a smile is often your first impression. When you are missing a tooth, it’s just not as visually appealing and may send the wrong message. Your smile has many social, professional, and emotional benefits, so you’ll want to put your best smile forward!

If you have been ignoring that missing tooth, you can still make the call now! Let’s talk about your options for tooth replacement, including dental implants, dentures and bridges. Each have their own pros and cons to consider. It is important to talk with your dentist in Whitby to find the solution that is right for you.

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